Transporting your beloved pet overseas can be an exciting yet challenging endeavour. As a responsible pet owner, ensuring the safety and well-being of your furry companion during the journey is of utmost importance. With various transportation options available, you may wonder, "What is the safest way to transport my pet overseas?"
According to IPATA ( International Pet and Animal Transportation Association), flights are the safest and most secure means of transportation for pets. Every year, more than 4 million pets are flown throughout the world. Less than 0.1% of pets flying experience an issue, indicating that more than 99.99 per cent of all pets flying each year are securely reunited with their families worldwide.
This article includes information on the most reliable methods and tips for safe pet transport. From airline regulations to health considerations, let's explore the safest practices to ensure comfortable and safe travel for your pet overseas.
Factors to Consider for Pet Safe Transport Overseas
Travelling with pets overseas has become a growing trend in recent years, as more people consider their pets as beloved family members and wish to include them in their travel adventures. Pet owners often avoid leaving their pets behind or entrusting them to others, opting to bring them along on international trips. While this desire for pet companionship during overseas travel is understandable, it raises important considerations regarding pet safety and well-being.
Some countries have strict rules about pet vaccinations, microchipping, and quarantine periods. Knowing these regulations will help you prepare all the necessary paperwork and ensure hassle-free entry for your pet. There are certain points to consider when you plan a travel for your pet overseas :
Research and Preparation
Before embarking on your journey, it is essential to research and understand the pet import/travel regulations and requirements of the destination country.
Compliance with these regulations is crucial to avoid any complications upon arrival. Research on the climatic condition of the destination is essential as extreme temperatures can cause adverse effects on pets.
Regulations for Pets
Certain countries have breed-specific restrictions or bans on certain dog breeds due to safety concerns or local laws. Before travelling, ensure that your pet's breed is allowed in the destination country. If your pet's breed is restricted, you may need to make alternative arrangements or choose a different destination for your trip.
Pet’s Health Checkup
Not all pets are well-suited for international travel, especially if they have underlying health conditions or are particularly anxious. It is important to schedule a pre-travel health check with your veterinarian and obtain a health certificate declaring your pet fit to travel. Also, ensure that your pet is vaccinated per the rules of the destination country.
Many countries need pets to be microchipped for them to travel internationally. If your pet becomes lost or separated while travelling, the microchip's unique identification number, which is connected to your contact information in a central database, helps identify your pet. Please make sure the microchip complies with ISO 11784/11785, as it is globally accepted.
Travel Duration
Consider the duration of the travel, including layovers and potential delays. Longer journeys may require more preparation and may only be suitable for some pets. If the travel duration is excessively long, it might be better to explore other options, such as finding a temporary caregiver for your pet or postponing the trip until they are more ready for travel. Consider the quarantine's duration while planning your travel dates, if applicable.
Choose a Pet-Friendly Airline
Research and select an airline which offers safe pet transport. Look for a reliable airline that prioritises pet safe transport and complies with all international pet travel regulations.
Also, choose a direct flight to minimise travel time and the number of transfers whenever possible. Direct flights reduce the likelihood of your pet experiencing undue stress during layovers or transfers.
Pack Essentials for the Journey
Prepare a travel kit for your pet, including enough food for the trip, water, treats, a leash, medications, and grooming supplies. These essentials will make the journey smoother and ensure your pet's needs are met. Bring along some familiar toys that will provide comfort and entertainment during flights. Make sure you don’t forget to keep the passport of your pet.
Crate Training and Familiarization
Get your pet accustomed to their travel crate well before the journey. Crate training helps reduce stress during travel and provides a familiar and secure space for your pet. Ensure the crate is sturdy, spacious enough for your pet to stand and turn around comfortably, and well-ventilated. Also, Ensure your pet's crate is clearly labelled with their name.
Hydration and Feeding
Give your pets lots of water before the journey, and make sure water is available the entire time. A water bowl should be safely fastened to their box and filled just before departing. Avoid feeding a heavy meal just before leaving to prevent travel sickness and upset stomach. Provide water to your pet even after the journey completes.
Check Quarantine Requirements
Certain countries have strict animal import regulations, including mandatory quarantine periods for pets entering their borders. Before planning your trip, research the specific quarantine regulations of the destination country.
Check with the country's official government websites or contact their embassy or consulate for up-to-date information. Quarantine periods can vary widely, ranging from a few days to several weeks.
Ensure Comfortable Accommodation
Choose the most pet-friendly and comfortable option after landing in the destination country. Keep their routines consistent with familiar feeding, exercise, and playtime. Follow post-quarantine requirements, if applicable, and follow up with the veterinarians for a health check or documentation to ensure a hassle-free stay in the destination country.
Always prioritise your pet's safety and comfort when travelling overseas. Considering these points and taking the necessary precautions, your pet can have a safe and successful journey.
Travelling overseas with your pet can be a rewarding and memorable experience with proper preparation. Choose a safe pet transport company like Exec Pets for IATA approved transportation crates to make sure that your pet has a safe and comfortable journey overseas.
Prioritise their comfort and well-being throughout the trip; your pet will easily adapt to the new environment. Remember, a well-prepared and happy pet makes for a truly unforgettable international adventure together.
For any help or more information on pet safe transport guidelines in the UK and Europe, feel free to contact us.